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安裝 Redis Server 為 Magento 1.9 提供 Session 快取加速

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Magento 預設的 Session 是存放在實體硬碟上,位置位於 var/session

而 Redis Server 是一種 NoSQL 記憶體式的資料庫(key-value)

即便使用 SSD,在速度上還是比不上存放在記憶體中


於 CentOS 7 之下可直接利用 yum 來安裝

yum install -y redis

systemctl enable redis

systemctl start redis

systemctl status redis
ss -nlp | grep redis

#開放 6379 port
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=6379/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

#查看防火牆開放的 port 是否有 6379
firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=public

調整 Magento 設定

/app/etc/local.xml 第 29 行的



<!-- This is a child node of config/global -->
    <server></server> <!-- or absolute path to unix socket -->
    <persistent></persistent> <!-- Specify unique string to enable persistent connections. E.g.: sess-db0; bugs with phpredis and php-fpm are known: // -->
    <database>0</database> <!-- Redis database number; protection against accidental data loss is improved by not sharing databases -->
    <password></password> <!-- Specify if your server requires authentication -->
    <force_standalone>0</force_standalone>  <!-- 0 for phpredis, 1 for standalone PHP -->
    <connect_retries>1</connect_retries>    <!-- Reduces errors due to random connection failures; a value of 1 will not retry after the first failure -->
    <read_timeout>10</read_timeout>         <!-- Set read timeout duration; phpredis does not currently support setting read timeouts -->
    <automatic_cleaning_factor>0</automatic_cleaning_factor> <!-- Disabled by default -->
    <compress_data>1</compress_data>  <!-- 0-9 for compression level, recommended: 0 or 1 -->
    <compress_tags>1</compress_tags>  <!-- 0-9 for compression level, recommended: 0 or 1 -->
    <compress_threshold>20480</compress_threshold>  <!-- Strings below this size will not be compressed -->
    <compression_lib>gzip</compression_lib> <!-- Supports gzip, lzf, lz4 (as l4z) and snappy -->
    <use_lua>0</use_lua> <!-- Set to 1 if Lua scripts should be used for some operations -->
        <redis_session>                       <!-- All options seen here are the defaults -->
            <host></host>            <!-- Specify an absolute path if using a unix socket -->
            <password></password>             <!-- Specify if your server requires authentication -->
            <timeout>2.5</timeout>            <!-- This is the connection timeout, not the locking timeout -->
            <persistent></persistent>         <!-- Specify unique string to enable persistent connections. E.g.: sess-db0; bugs with phpredis and php-fpm are known: // -->
            <db>0</db>                        <!-- Redis database number; protection from accidental loss is improved by using a unique DB number for sessions -->
            <compression_threshold>2048</compression_threshold>  <!-- Set to 0 to disable compression (recommended when suhosin.session.encrypt=on); known bug with strings over 64k: // -->
            <compression_lib>gzip</compression_lib>              <!-- gzip, lzf, lz4 or snappy -->
            <log_level>1</log_level>               <!-- 0 (emergency: system is unusable), 4 (warning; additional information, recommended), 5 (notice: normal but significant condition), 6 (info: informational messages), 7 (debug: the most information for development/testing) -->
            <max_concurrency>6</max_concurrency>                 <!-- maximum number of processes that can wait for a lock on one session; for large production clusters, set this to at least 10% of the number of PHP processes -->
            <break_after_frontend>5</break_after_frontend>       <!-- seconds to wait for a session lock in the frontend; not as critical as admin -->
            <fail_after>10</fail_after>                          <!-- seconds after which we bail from attempting to obtain lock (in addition to break after time) -->
            <first_lifetime>600</first_lifetime>                 <!-- Lifetime of session for non-bots on the first write. 0 to disable -->
            <bot_first_lifetime>60</bot_first_lifetime>          <!-- Lifetime of session for bots on the first write. 0 to disable -->
            <bot_lifetime>7200</bot_lifetime>                    <!-- Lifetime of session for bots on subsequent writes. 0 to disable -->
            <disable_locking>0</disable_locking>                 <!-- Disable session locking entirely. -->
            <min_lifetime>60</min_lifetime>                      <!-- Set the minimum session lifetime -->
            <max_lifetime>2592000</max_lifetime>                 <!-- Set the maximum session lifetime -->

再修改 app/etc/modules/Cm_RedisSession.xml




php ./resetopc.php
rm -rf ./var/session/* && ./var/cache/*
之後檢查 session 資料夾應該不會再產生新的檔案


CentOS 7 安裝 Redis、php-pecl-redis(phpredis)

Configure Magento 1.9.x with Redis as Backend Cache

在magento1上設定Redis session


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